Very glad the week has arrived and we get to have a little Kingdom Living. I am Jay Kerr. From Virginia. I married into xFO and have been attending Winni Camp for over 35 years after first attending with my girlfriend's family. She became my wife and CFO became embedded in my family's life in a profound and life changing way. The online experience is low on hugs, but still offers a fantastic opportunity to step a little farther out with one another.
As to the question, how was my spite of the obvious issues impacting us all, we feel so very blessed and are enjoying the blossoming of our family in ways too numerous to list. It has been a good year.

Thanks for sharing your gifts and spirit with all the camps!
Beautiful Family! Please give Susan my love and thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of Autumn JFO and the CFO/JFO legacy.
Jay you did a great job tonight at the Tech Happy Hour! Thanks!