My youngest sister is Diana Halpenny and maybe you've heard of her! She invited me to this virtual camp and I'm really looking forward to it. I "attended" the tech session and am very impressed with the technology and Jay's expertise. This should be fun, but most of all I hope to be inspired by all you fine people whom Diana always praises! I live in Tucson, AZ where I'm very active in my church. Thanks be to God for giving us this opportunity to "gather" together and praise Him.

So happy you are joining camp this year Robin!
Welcome Robin. I'm so happy that you will joining us for this Autumn JFO virtual camp. I love JFO so much and it will be a blessing to join in this unique way with this camp family of all of us. I get so excited when we have to the opportunity to share this JFO love with someone new. So, a loving welcome to you, across the miles, yet close, from my heart to yours.
Welcome Robin - so great to see your face last night and wave hello. I am grateful you can join us and look forward to being with you online. May your Journey Farthest Out time be filled with lots of joy, peace and Grace!
So very glad you are able to join in. Nice to meet you tonight.