It's amazing we have gathered from 6 time zones to experience Autumn JFO together! This is my 4th JFO (attended 2 physical and now at my 2nd virtual camp). I love the "'Kingdom Living" that is camp; the way it re-ignites and stokes that fire toward actualizing spiritual, mental and physical optimization in our day to day lives. I am forever grateful to my partner in life, Jodi Terry, for snatching me up and introducing me to Camp, Glenn Clark's philosophies, and all you wonderful people!
The question posed was how is this year so far? I must say 2020 arrived with a BANG and has been the most unusual and unpredictable year to date! The instability of our American government, the national divide and resulting clashes - often violent - in our streets. The economy tanking to depression levels and a pandemic killing over 200,000 people, and counting. The shelter in place has been a huge adjustment for us all. The forced slow down of our lives has been good in that it has taken many off that endless hamster wheel of living to a place where we can pause and reflect on what is really important. I work in personnel, and as an essential employee (people need paychecks and health insurance) my day to day life hasn't changed much in that I maintain that routine of going to the office. My social life has, and hugging my friends and group interaction has been woefully missed. I am blessed to have economic and spiritual stability during this time, when so much is uncertain. It has been a year of reflection and tuning into God's calling. If I could sum it up in one word, I would describe 2020 thus far as "transformative."

Barbara, it was so nice to see your beautiful smiling face throughout camp. I'm so glad you were able to participate and that camp means so much to you, as it does to me.