Hello Dear Ones,
Here is my share:
Ah! Autumn JFO 2020. A new adventure in unprecedented times. A pandemic prevents us from meeting physically so God has provided a way for us to connect virtually through the ethers. I got to greet the morning with today's meditation led by Wendy Silverthorn. My senses were treated to beautiful sights and sounds. My heart was literally vibrating. Next I enjoyed singing with Dana and Mike. I was thrilled to hear "I am open and ready for the good of this day...". I use those lyrics each morning during my prayer and meditation practice. What a treat to have them sung to me today. I chose to save morning talk(s) for later. I moved on to Rhythms. It is a treat to see Becky and to meet two of her children. Next I prepared for Creatives. What fun it was to receive the packet of materials in the mail. The journal called to me today and I write about my experience thus far of Autumn JFO 2020. I am unable to participate in live sharing today as I have another regular commitment at noon on Thursdays. So far, so good goes camp this year!